Nutkin to stay in Green Day
Squirrel Nutkin jr. has signed an extension for 10 years and 255 million dollars. Last season Nutkin hit only .234, but was 8 runs above average on defense and hit a career best 27 homeruns.
The Herman is a publication covering the Major and Superior Leagues of APBA baseball.
Squirrel Nutkin jr. has signed an extension for 10 years and 255 million dollars. Last season Nutkin hit only .234, but was 8 runs above average on defense and hit a career best 27 homeruns.
Silveran Kanan Bonis, eldest son of Kith Kanan is ready to come to the Americas to play ball. Silveran is tall with wide shoulders, a fair complexion, and a massive forehead. He had broad cheeks, chin, and nose, narrow but full lips, yellow hair and green eyes.
Signing these players will cost a draft pick:
The qualifying offer for free agents is worth 18 million for 2018.
Jeffrey Lamar Lewis Rookie of the year award:
Back in NYC, the Cobra jumped out to a lead over Jason Curry in the second. With two out, Eddie Walker doubled in Chad White. Lee Thompson followed with a 2 run homer. Silvanos Tonka took a perfect game into the 5th when Drew Fenwick homered to make it 3-1.
Game 3: Jeff Bowman singled in Chad White to take a 1-0 lead in the second. Brad Mulhern was dominant after that, allowing one run on 7 hits over 8 innings. Buddy Dervish took a no hitter into the 6th but then ran into trouble. After Drew Fenwick walked, Texas had 4 consecutive singles to take a 3-1 lead. Jose Lopes singled in another in the 7th, and Sam Parillo closed out the 4-1 win.
Manny Ortez hit a solo homer off Stephen Hamburg in the third to start the scoring. Texas added 2 more in the 5th on Dave Masterman's homer. Jared Pollard held NY to one run over 6 2/3 innings, striking out 9, and Texas held on for a 4-1 win.