Las Vegas Clones Manager Found Dead
Early Monday Morning, LVPD believed they found renowned Bounty Hunter and current Las Vegas Clones Manager Boba Fett dead of something being referred to as Kamino Saberdarts.
Later, around Noon, the team released the following strange statement seemingly confirming the report: "The Las Vegas Ball Club regrets to confirm the passing of its current manager. While the team cannot confirm the cause of death, it had become evident the team's performance has become...unsatisfactory. We respectfully extend our regrets to the Fett family. Please join us at 4pm to introduce our new field manager."
And then, in perhaps the most startling of press conferences, Boba Fett appeared to introduce his team's new manager...himself. And by "himself" Kenny means Boba said the following:
"Thank you all for joining us today. As you can see, I am alive and well. While it has been reported that I was found dead this morning, that was an exaggeration. What is true is that our manager was found this morning, his performance was subpar, I have an airtight aliby, and he was my clone. I am now pleased to introduce you to our new manager, Boba Fett XIV. Apparently XIII was unlucky but I am sure XIV will perform much better."
Then, an exact copy of Boba Fett walked out with a Las Vegas Clones' baseball cap on his head.
Kenny has seen some strange things before and Kenny has played with Boba, so Kenny knows what a bad ass he can be, but Kenny is still in shock. Later, Boba confirmed he had been managing the team until this season, but decided he had too much to do as GM and Bounty Hunter this season and has farmed out the managerial duties to his Clones. Boba was evasive when asked about any Boba Fetts numbered I-XII.