Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Best Defenders, 2005-2009

We at the Herman Sports have finally jumped into the advanced defensive metric game. In Major League Baseball, stats like Zone Rating and UZR have become more commonplace. APBA has done the analysis here and there, but we have finally consolidated the formuli used and put the numbers in one place. Right now we can present the best fielders of the last 5 years, but some day we should be able to extend these ratings back to the late 1990's.

1B: Hal Glover +50
No surprise as this alltime great wins the gold glove every year. Brant Bowen came in second at +34

2B: Erick Forman +30
He doesn't have the bat to hold down a regular job but is great on defense. Jacen Solo, +20, slipped a bit last year at age 36.

3B: Elvis Dixon +98
This jawa may be the best defensive 3B ever, and has saved the most runs in the game since 2005. Lance Dixon, no relation, is at +78.

SS: Luciano Cedeno +59
Portland spent big money on him, and while his bat may not have been worth it, Cedeno earned his money with the glove. Kobe Jones (+56) and Brett Solo (+46) are close behind.

LF: Darrel Davis +29
A bit of a surprise, though Davis still runs well. This probably says more about the poor defenders in left than Davis's skills.

CF: Chad White +71
The MVP last year actually had his worst defensive year in 2009, but a bad year from him is better than a good year from most. A throw he made in the World Series ranks with the best ever. Division rival Rocky Balboni (+55) is second.

RF: Keith Lee +57
Lee has been the perfect professional in every phase of the game for the NY Cobra. Probably doesn't get as much recognition as one of the game's best players as he deserves.

Catcher ratings are on deck.


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