Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Eddie of Hawaii

Well, it's official. Eddie Bird didn't stay unemployed long. He has been signed to a 5 year, $50 Million contract to manage the Hawaii Hounddogs. Eddie will be employing a strange, never before tried strategy this season. GM Coyote said Eddie will manage half of his games using state of the art modern technology. When pressed for additional details, Coyote said Eddie will manage all home games in person but will not travel with the team during the regular season. Instead he will manage all road games from the comfort of his new home in Maui.

Eddie has also started hiring his coaching staff as Hawaii Hall of Famer Rick "Wild Thing" Vaughn has been named Pitching Coach. Rumor has it one of Eddie's former Utes will be named Hitting Coach. Vaughn will be the on-field manager for road games but will take direction from Eddie who will rumoredly use new hologram technology as seen in Star Wars. Apparently this is Coyote's own personal design.

When asked about Lewis Solo Sr, Coyote said Solo would continue to be a part of the organization as the team has no idea how to get rid of him. "He shows up everyday, so what are you going to do?" Eddie is fond of the old jawa and looks forward to working with him.

When asked for a quote Eddie said, "I look forward to calling for and witnessing several of the greatest innings in the history of the Hounddogs." When asked to comment on Brad, Eddie would only say he was happy to be in Hawaii and looks forward to facing New York in the playoffs if it comes to that. Lastly Eddie was asked about the obvious rebuilding project Hawaii will require beginning in 2013 and if he was up for it considering it has been years since he built a winner. Eddie said he was more than up for the challenge as long as Lisa Marie continued to sign his checks. He also predicted it would be a very short rebuilding project and that after winning a championship this season he would win a second championship in 2014.

Kenny isn't sure what to make of all this. But one thing is certain, Hawaii is serious about winning it all this year.


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